Are you one of those in the lookout for the release of the new Nintendo Switch? This might be a tease for you as the operating system of the yet-to-be-released console has leaked over the internet. The new Nintendo Switch is said to be released to the market on March 3, but one lucky fan received the console earlier than anyone. To document the fan’s lucky feat, he uploaded a three-minute video on YouTube to show some of the features of the gadget. Here is a peak of what you can look forward to.
The Nintendo Switch was accidentally shipped to a NeoGAF user with the username hiphoptherobot. The console was pre-ordered and arrived two weeks earlier than expected. Hence, hiphoptherobot showed the unboxing and the interface of the new Nintendo Switch.
One of the notable parts of the video is the memory capacity of the console. The uploaded video revealed that the internal memory of the Nintendo Switch is at 25.9GB. Previously, Nintendo already mentioned that the console will have a 32GB internal memory. With this, fans would have an idea of the memory space that the operating system occupies. Moreover, Nintendo also said that the console can support up to 2TB Micro SDXC card where you can store your games.
In the video, hiphoptherobot also demonstrated how to create a user account. The first step is to create a name followed by the selection of an icon. For the icon, Nintendo Switch features some Nintendo characters to choose from. The system has slots for eight users with their own nicknames and icons.
Also included in the video is the process of setting the language, time, and date. In addition, the user also showed the resolution settings. He also showed the themes that can be switched from light to dark. The video also presented the screenshot gallery and the Nintendo News app.
In the video, it was also shown how to operate and remove the Joy-Con. With this, the Controllers tab was shown where users can connect new Joy-Cons and check the battery life.
The operating system of the new Nintendo Switch seems to run smoothly. Moreover, the reaction on every command is quick and without lag. The interface looks like a crossover between the Android user interface and the PlayStation 4 menu setup. The console itself is on the minimalist side. There is nothing too bulky, and everything is sleek and elegant.
With the luck of this Nintendo Switch, other fans were able to have an idea on what to expect from the new console. The downside of it is that the user did not yet have games to play on his new gadget since the games are also yet to be released. Also, the eShop does not seem to function yet.
It is still not yet clear what happened here and how this lucky user received his new Nintendo Switch in advance. There were speculations of whether the video was real or fake but the detailed demonstration made the internet users believe that he did have a console in his possession. Are you also excited to get your hand on the new Nintendo Switch soon?