Celebrity couple India Royale and Lil Durk are apparently making family plans. Last Wednesday, October 6, the official owner of the Twitter handle @indiaroyaletv took to her social media account, confirming with her more than 195,000 Twitter followers that family planning is ongoing between her and her rapper boyfriend.
As you know, Lil Durk reportedly has a total of six or seven children, per several sources. However, for the most part, the 28-year-old hip-hop, trap, drill, and R&B musician has kept mum about the identities of his children’s mothers.
Lil Durk previously mentioned that he is ready to welcome a son with India Royale as they already have a daughter together. Fans of India Royale and Lil Durk can expect two more offspring coming soon.
After all, according to the 26-year-old fashion blogger, Instagram star, and entrepreneur from Chicago, Illinois, she wants to have two more children back to back and then she is finished. You can find this message that India Royale posted on her official Twitter account that has already raked in 964 Twitter likes at the time of writing.
The mother of two, one of who is with Lil Durk, posted another tweet on the same day. India Royale confirmed that her Baby Daddy would love her pregnant again as he was “obsessed” with her when she was expecting their first child.
This Twitter message of India Royale has already amassed 1,252 Twitter likes at the time of writing. Apparently, if you are among the fans of India Royale and Lil Durk, you will surely feel delighted and excited for this celebrity couple.
The rapper, who is Durk Derrick Banks in real life, and his multi-talented Baby Mama, who is also a YouTuber, social media influencer, and businesswoman, are among the most celebrated couples in the hip-hop music business today. India Royale and Lil Durk have also demonstrated themselves as an unproblematic romantic pairing in showbiz.
Therefore, you can say that this happy couple deserves all the joy they feel in their relationship and as parents. You can wish India Royale and Lil Durk all the best as they expand their growing family.