Recently, Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria informed her fans through Instagram that her Twitter account has been hacked. The star took action when she started to receive many concerning messages from her fans from all around the globe. Eva Longoria told her fans that she didn’t know who BitStamp is and didn’t know the exact manner in which they had hacked her account. Eva further asked her fans not to fall prey for money scams. The actress then thanked her fans for making her informed about the issue and asked them not to click anything on her page.
The whole incident stated to take place on the 29th of October 2018 when Eva’s fans started to see weird messages on her Twitter account. The hackers had urged her fans to donate money with the help of cryptocurrency. One of Longoria’s former co-star, Jencarlos Canela got amused by the whole incident. Eva’s former co-star further joked about the whole incident by saying that he had donated millions of dollars after reading the post. Canela further asked the actress that whether she’s doing any refunding activities. Though the actress hasn’t commented anything in return; she has informed Twitter about the mishap and hoping to return on Twitter soon.
Since Twitter is used by millions of people around the globe, thus it is their responsibility to curb such kind of illegal activities over the internet. The microblogging site should make its users aware about certain settings with the help of which they can stay safe from account hackings. In the recent past, many other celebrities’ accounts have been hacked which has caused a ruckus among their fans. One such latest example is Bollywood actress Kirti Shannon whose twitter account was compromised by Turkish hackers. Under the actress’s name, the Turkish hackers asked Twitter to stop supporting the terrorists.