The upcoming summer will see the release of “The Garfield Movie,” an animated film centering on a lasagna-loving orange tabby cat. Sony Pictures recently unveiled the trailer for this movie, a cinematic adaptation of Jim Davis’ famous comic strip characters. In the film, Chris Pratt provides the voice for the title character, Garfield. Accompanied by Odie, his devoted yet silent dog, Garfield leaves behind his comfortable life for an adventurous caper alongside his long-lost father, Vic, a rough-looking street cat voiced by Samuel L. Jackson.
In the trailer, viewers are introduced to Garfield’s backstory. On a stormy evening, a youthful Garfield is seen seeking refuge in a crate in an alleyway across from an Italian restaurant. Drawn by the inviting aroma, he ventures over to where Jon Arbuckle is eating solo. Garfield, spotted by Jon through the restaurant’s window, is invited inside and offered a slice of pizza. This gesture marks the beginning of their unique bond, effectively making Jon Garfield’s owner. Garfield humorously remarks to the audience about this encounter, saying, “That was when Jon became mine.” The trailer then shifts focus to Garfield’s life changes, highlighting his emotional reunion with his father and his journey beyond his usual comforts to build a bond with Vic.
Throughout the movie, audiences will witness Garfield’s transition from a carefree, pampered pet to a cat embarking on an unexpected adventure. His relationship with Jon and the journey to reconnect with his father, Vic, form the core of the story. The film promises to blend humor, heart, and a touch of adventure, offering a fresh take on the beloved comic strip character while staying true to the essence of Garfield’s personality and his penchant for culinary delights.