Thirty years ago today, on Sept. 10, 1990, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air made its iconic television debut. The sitcom, inspired by the life of music manager Benny Medina and developed by showrunners Andy and Susan Borowitz, starred Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff alongside James Avery (Uncle Phil), Janet Hubert (Aunt Vivian), Alfonso Ribeiro (Carlton Banks), Karyn Parsons (Hilary Banks), Tatyana Ali (Ashley Banks), Joseph Marcell (Geoffrey) and many more. Has released a 90’s-inspired merchandise collection. The 30th-anniversary capsule is packed with lots of memorabilia.
The entire cast reunited for the first time in April since the sixth season wrapped up back in 1996.
“That was so great because we don’t get the chance to do that like we used to,” DJ Jazzy Jeff told Billboard in May. “It was a beautiful thing to get a level of understanding of what we did. Sometimes I’ll go through it with Will, but this was the first time for all of us to talk about what the show meant.”
They will all be meeting once again. But this time with the cameras on for part of an HBO Max special. Which is expected to air around Thanksgiving, according to TMZ. Fresh Prince also received a two-season reboot call, as the Los Angeles-based drama Bel-Air will be coming to NBCUniversal’s Peacock streaming service.
Fans are able to purchase pieces from the 30 item collection. That includes items like a mask, colorful graphic tees, sweaters, pants, and even a varsity jacket. There are plenty of fashionable summer vibes available for both men and women. (see some pictures below)
In the past few decades, the Jordan Brand has even celebrated Smith’s reverence for Jordans in the show with Fresh Prince of Bel-Air-themed releases, including multiple pairs of Air Jordan 5s, the silhouette most associated with the series.
Shop the whole collection here.